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Onsen FAQ

What's the rationale behind the Onsen's launch?

Onsen aims to bring new liquidity to SushiSwap, decrease slippage, expand our pool offerings, and foster exciting synergistic partnerships with other DeFi projects.

Where can I see the full list of Onsen pools?

Who decides which pools are selected for the Onsen program?

Sushi's core team decides which pools will be added to Onsen.

How long do Onsen pools stay active?

Our Onsen pairs are added and updated periodically based on token performance factors such as volume, liquidity and project promise.

How are the allocation points attributed?

The number of allocation points are given based on a vetting process with a myriad of factors, all of which are taken into careful consideration.

You can fill out an application to apply to be listed on Onsen: Onsen Application

Where can I learn more about Onsen?

New links will be periodically indexed below as available information on Onsen grows: